
Branka Mercina, Entrepreneur

My back muscles are stronger, sitting is actually more comfortable

A year and a half I felt, for the first time, what it is like when you cannot get out of bed. After a thorough examination, the doctors found a diagnosis: Hernia discs L5, S1.

After several months of different therapies the pain only became worse. The final remedy was surgery but the pain and neurological disorders also remained after surgery.

Last August, I learned about the development of a chair for proper sitting. I received a prototype to test. I have had this chair for half a year. The back muscles are stronger, sitting is actually more comfortable and less intrusive than other available chairs to me. Since I am aware that my working career will last quite a few more years, I am pleased that I was given the opportunity to use this chair in my workplace and at home. I’m sorry that I made this relavation after surgery. The preventive use of this chair could have potentially prevented the need for surgery and severe pain that has accompanied me all these years.



I recommend the chair to all who sit a long time 

Society is becoming sedentary, children sit in school and at home.  They sit while doing their homework, sit at computers for hours or while watching TV. The same applies to adults and the elderly. We have given up in actively shaping our bodies

If you want to feel comfortable while sitting, we need to strengthen those muscles that support the spine. We must also support both natural curves of the spine, which is important to sit properly, which means active sitting. With long-term forced sitting primary school pupils, in particular, sit improperly. Over years this may lead to an improper sitting posture. The risk of becoming one of the many patients with spinal problems is here. For many years, sitting on large rubber balls has been recommended. Sitting on the ball activates the body to seek and maintain balance. This strengthens the previously described muscles.

Continuous movement which is required while sitting on SpinaliS strengthens the back muscles, while the vertebrae and inter-vertebral discs are evenly burdened. With active sitting we can prevent spinal injury. I recommend the SpinaliS chair to all who sit a long time, especially if you sit in improper and awkward positions.


Mojca Divjak, Univ. graduate. org.

The SpinaliS is beneficial for everyone, young and old, who spend most of the day sitting down

The SpinaliS chair with the moveable seat is more than just a chair. With its flexibility it allows an individual to determine the most appropriate body position, at the same time directing the user into the correct position when sitting.

“Active sitting” on the SpinaliS chair steadies the activity of the back muscles, which improves muscle tone, strengthens the supporting muscles, dynamic effects of sitting allows for a better blood supply to the intervertebral discs and thus protects the spine against the negative effects of prolonged sitting on conventional chairs. I believe that the SpinaliS chair is beneficial for everyone, young and old, who spend most of the day sitting down.


Karl Martin Stålaker, DC, MChiro, MSc (MSK Neuroscience)

Active sitting is likely to substantially enhance the health and wellbeing of office workers. It can help provide regular core muscle activation and strengthening, and may also help in the rehabilitation of structural deficits to the muscle and its nerve after injury. Exercises involving core muscle strengthening, motor control and/or balance training can stimulate better brain-based (endogenous) pain modulation. And training the spinal muscles through active sitting is likely to produce better pain-gating for people with back pain.


Irena Logonder, speech therapist

SpinaliS allows for an active body in the correct position

SpinaliS due to its moveability optimally meet the child’s need for movement also during medical treatment. It allows for an active body in the correct position, which is a necessary starting point for better speech motorics and thus more successful speech therapy treatment. 


Zdenko Podlesnik, Manager

Sitting on a SpinaliS chair seems quite similar to recreation

SpinaliS is significantly different from the chairs that I have used so far. SpinaliS requires active sitting and prevents improper posture while sitting. Sitting on a SpinaliS seems quite similar to recreation: the back muscles are constantly sitting slightly tense and active, movement is easier. After sitting for a long time I feel like I do after moderate recreation and not stiff and tired like after sitting in a long forced position. You need some time to get used to sitting on the SpinaliS, but you are aware of its positives very quickly.

SpinaliS is a revolutionary, high-quality product, which can significantly reduce the effects of extensive sitting. SpinaliS has improved my quality of life.


Lily Gradišek, Administrative worker

After using the chair for a few weeks the situation is much better

I am five months pregnant and I have back pain due to the baby. The pain occurred in the first trimester, when I was force to lie down because of a risk pregnancy. Later the pain got only worse while walking and sitting. After using the chair for a few weeks the situation is much better. You have to get used to the chair as the difference between a SpinaliS and a normal chair is great but the sitting is much more comfortable, above all it’s good for your posture and the correct position of the spine, thus relieving pain.


Maja Ferme

Since I am a big aesthetic while swearing on quality and comfort, I chose the SpinaliS Navigator which impressed while testing it in the showroom. It is really different from the others I’ve tried in stores. Now I can sit without any worries, as my SpinaliS is a beautiful combination of red and white frame which is both feminine and modern but it also contains an innovative touch to what I, as a designer and entrepreneur, have beenlooking for a long time.


Brigita Bukovec, Olympic silver medalist

This is what I need!

After a sports career I had back problems, so I avoided prolonged sitting as such (in front of the computer). I changed quite a few chairs and also spent a lot of money without success. Now I have finally found it! SpinaliS is the only chair that is designed to adjust to me and not vice versa, so my body withstands prolonged sitting without pain. Since I also want the best for my children, it was immediately clear that they would also be using it. This is what we all need!


Jože Kos

Sitting is a pleasure

SpinaliS chairs are really a great thing. It has been four years with no back problems so congratulations to all who helped develop this product. After the first week my muscles hurt even more so I wanted to return the chair. After three weeks, the pain went away and now sitting is a pleasure.


Majda Anžin

SpinaliS chair allows continuous movement of the pelvis

In the last decade factories have produced a wide variety of chairs (Gugu chair) and devices (ball, wedge-shaped pillow) to make it easier to sit longer without pain. Sitting must be repeatedly interrupted or the sitting position altered. When we listen to someone we are in contact with the backrest of the chair (Seat surface is tilted back) and when we write, we move away (Seat surface is tilted forward). The pelvis has an important role in sitting because with every inclination the position of the spine also changes. So we have make sure we have strong muscles in the body, which will  care that the distance between the pubic bone and the sternum is the same all the time (in all modes of seating) and not to allow this distance to close, or bend the spine and not to allow sitting to tire us.

A therapeutic ball and SpinaliS chair allow for constant movement of the pelvis which is very important because the correct position of the pelvis and spine affect breathing and digestion, strengthen muscles while encouraging proper posture and body balance.


Dušan Pušnik, oftalmolog

I can very positively grade the use of the SpinaliS chair

I use SpinaliS in my work in the eye clinic and for eye surgeries. In the clinic I have a lot of movements that especially strains the lumbar part of the spine.

The great flexibility of SpinaliS allows me to have the chair seat follow the movements of the spine. The SpinaliS chair relieves the burden on the back and distributes it evenly. Using SpinaliS, in my experience, has indirectly strengthened my back muscles and allowed me to stretch while sitting for several hours. In addition, a great mobile chair enables the continuous adaptation of the entire body to help me and my approach to operating.

The chair is also used by assistants who are also very positive regarding its use. One is constantly encouraged to be active using the entire spine and back muscles while sitting. Thus, despite sitting we strengthen our back muscles the spine is constantly in motion and thus indirectly exercises.


Ales Štor, Computer expert

A big step towards a healthy spine

My back problems started with swowboarding. I increasingly felt twitches in my back sometimes even feeling almost paralyzed. Later, the problem also occurred while doing other physical activities. So I realized that I was among those who had to pay attention to their back.

In addition to sport activities for strengthening back muscles I also tried SpinaliS. Before that I had been undisciplined when it came to sitting, often being hunched over. The back muscles are completely relaxed in such a manner, the burden being taken by the lower back. Prolonged sitting made my problems worse. With SpinaliS indiscipline is no longer allowed. With my SpinaliS the back muscles are tense all the time, so being reinforced even while sitting, at the same carrying the burden which was previously worn by the backbone.

SpinaliS is not some miracle drug, but it is certainly a big step towards a healthy spine.


Robert Rolih, CEO at Uspeh d.o.o.

For me the SpinaliS chair is priceless

The purchase of the SpinaliS chair was one of the best decisions of my life. As a company director I sit in the office and at meetings for more than 10 or 12 hours a day. Prior to the purchase of SpinaliS I had back pain almost every night and I felt that I couldn’t go any further. Luckily I was at a fair and come across a product that would solve these problems. Despite initially having doubts as to whether the chair would solve my problems and wondering how I would be sitting on it, I decided to buy it.

I have now been using this chair a month and I must say that I am impressed. My back does not hurt anymore, I feel great, a whole day sitting on it is not as tiresome as on conventional chairs. Customers that come into my office, look at it with admiration as it is really something special at the same time having a reputation in the market. I feel like I have bought the latest BMW or Mercedes. The SpinaliS chair is invaluable to me, so I recommend it to all my friends and business partners.


Lidija Dolenc Carotta, B. Sc. Communication Studies Marketing Dir

Today, each employee has their own SpinaliS chair

We got the first SpinaliS chair in our office two and a half years ago. As we all soon realized that this was a chair that forces you to sit active and keep a correct body posture, which allows your back to be pain free after an eight hour workday, we all fought for it. Today, each employee has their SpinaliS chair. Surely this is the best chair I know of.


Prof. Dr. sci. JANKO POPOVIC

SpinaliS is important for preventive measures

The idea of ​​constructing a chair with a moving base or moving seat seems to me to be one of the very important things in preventing the degeneration of the discs. Because of the constant movement of the seat back muscles have to work constantly, so there is no unilateral burdening of the spine and l discs, but the burden is distributed to the entire spinal area, sometimes more on one side, sometimes more on the other.

I would recommend this chair to patients with low back pain and other parts of the spine, especially for people who sit a lot or are in a forced sitting position at work, to prevent the most frequent problems related to the spine. It seems to me that this is one of the important preventive measures to reduce spinal problems.


Prof. Dr. sci. Stjepan Gamulin

SpinaliS is an excellent ergonomic solution. In the middle, the riding position, the seat with a spring requires constant adjustment of vertebral muscles and maintaining balance and thus upright posture with both continuous vertebral muscle activity. Sitting in the rear position (resting position), provides the best ergonomic solution to sit.

From personal experience I can confirm the great advantages of SpinaliS over other chairs. SpinaliS chairs work. For thirty years I have been suffering from pain in my lower back, and over the past 12 years I have had three strong attacks of lumbo ishialgia I have dealt with it by physical therapy and regular exercise. After my last attack, six months ago, I decide to have an operation on my intervertebral disks.

I have been using it for 5 months now I do not get back pain, which I had previously after prolonged sitting. Therefore I can recommend SpinaliS chair to anyone who suffers from pain in his lower back, and prevention to anyone in business who is exposed to prolonged sitting.


Špela Puc, Architect

I think that sitting in the chair is a substitute for sit ups

The idea that doing exercises for the back while sitting at the computer is excellent. So in my spare time I can lie on the couch and read a book without a bad conscience and without back pain. I think sitting on this chair replaces “abs”, because in addition to the back muscles the lower abdominal muscles get a workout.



Try this chair, your back will thank you

SpinaliS is designed to correct improper posture. It is perfect for people who work sitting all day. It provides support to the spine and improves posture, which is necessary for people who suffer from lower back pain. Try this chair, your back will thank you.